Monday, October 29, 2007

Debate on Voodoo fourth update

What is the book about?
The book is entitled: Voodoo, I remember. The combat of a culture for its survival. In this work of 250 pages, the author revisits the terms with which the voodoo in Occident is associated: black magic, sorcery, primitive religion, faith of negro, etc After having highlighted presupposed which underlies each one of these concepts, it explains how, after 300 years of history marked with the corner of combativeness between Christianity and the voodoo, these two symbolic systems came from there to peacefully cohabit in the same heart (that of the Haitian) and in same space, Haiti.

The pastor goes even further to propose a new paradigm based on the respect and the opening to the other, in which these two cultures (Christianity and voodoo) are discovered and grown rich mutually, in a process of intercultural dialogue and enculturation. To put it simply, he proposes that a Haitian believer be at the same time a Voodoo worshipper.

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